I am thrilled at how my photography is laid out on Artoteque’s juried online exhibit for Art Time 2.
Artoteque is a virtual online gallery, originating in London. I am finding it really synchronistic, how galleries in Paris, London, Canada, and so forth, and a book publisher in Germany are able to find my work since the moment it appeared in Marquis Who’s Who in Modern Art. This is fortunate for me, because I would have had more difficulty if starting locally, I think. The artworld out there seems very open, accepting, accessible – if one finds one’s own niche. I got the phrase “the sacred in nature” from a French artist who likes my clouds. What an apt description, to call the theme of the cloud photography “the sacred in nature.” And so it goes.
All content © 2024 by Cloud Giclee Fine Art Cloud Photography by Margaret Harrell.
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